From making friendly phone calls and driving buses, to leading walking groups and running art classes, volunteers have provided tremendous support to ECH since it was established 60 years ago.

Thanks to the ongoing commitment from a group of more than 100 volunteers, ECH can offer its clients additional support, increased independence, and the opportunity to build long-lasting friendships with people outside their immediate community. Last year, approximately 100 volunteers generously spent more than 7,000 hours supporting 18 different activities across various ECH sites.

This year’s National Volunteers Week runs from May 20-26 and invites the community to discover the power of volunteering with the theme ‘Something for Everyone’.

“Volunteers have a significant role to play in helping to promote self-determination and enabling ECH clients to stay who they are, where they are, and get more out of life,” says ECH chief executive Claire Scapinello.

“At ECH, we can offer volunteers a range of roles and activities that are flexible in meeting the needs of our clients and volunteers, creating opportunities that are based on both their interests.

ECH believes that every person is unique, worthy of respect, dignity, and inclusion and that to live the best life possible, they need to be active, engaged, and confident in themselves and their environment.

“Volunteering to me means making a positive difference in someone’s day. The smallest gesture of a friendly smile, along with kindness and friendship can make a world of difference and brighten their day. It warms my heart in the most beautiful and rewarding way, knowing I have helped in some small way.” says ECH Volunteer Sandra from the Henley Beach Day Program



“I enjoy being a volunteer because it makes me feel like I am giving something back and it is a very social thing to do.” says ECH Volunteer Sally

Make a Difference. Volunteer.


Posted: May 24, 2024