Caring for a family member or friend is a rewarding role however it can leave you with little time to look after your own wellbeing.
ECH offers a range of wellness classes and services that can enable you to take some time out for yourself.
ECH Wellness Centres offer exercise classes where you can maintain or improve your fitness while socialising with others. Or if you prefer to exercise alone, you can use the gyms located at the Wellness Centre.
Or if you would like some time to relax and unwind, ECH offers Tai Chi programs, music meditation and remedial massage.
Professional allied health therapists, including Physiotherapists, Podiatrists and Dieticians, are also available to provide advice about looking after yourself and the person you care for.
What other services does ECH provide to support carers?
ECH offers respite through Day Programs located at Smithfield, Walkerville, Happy Valley and Henley Beach. These programs enable the person you care for to engage in a social, homelike environment or go on an outing with all the support that is needed while you perhaps go to an exercise class or spend some time with friends.