ECH is passionate about supporting older South Australians to have the best life possible as they age and part of having a good life is having a good death. To have a good death you need to think and plan ahead for what you may like.

People will have different views on where they may like to die and for some it may be at home, with family and friends around them.

For example, if it’s your wish to die at home then it’s important to have an open conversation with your family and loved ones so they are clear about your choices and can help these be fulfilled when the time comes.

Equally if you have specific funeral arrangements or a place you would like your ashes to be scattered, it is important to let your friends and family know.

At ECH we believe the earlier you start these conversations the better, however we also understand that these conversations are not always easy.

In this short video ECH Chief Executive Dr David Panter shares why we made this TV advert and why we felt it was important to encourage and help people to have these conversations.

For more Information on this topic along with tips on how to start the conversation please
click here to read our short brochure.

To find out more about ECH At-Home services and how we can support you to stay independent and in control until the very end all you have to do is ask ECH on 1300 275 324 or email us at

Alternatively please complete the contact form below and one of our friendly staff members will get in touch at a time that is convenient for you.

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